Purdue Proposal
Experiment Proposal
hypothesis 1: neural net learns low level features first
How to set up:
train neural network to fit polynomial
using random sampling and expectation to calculate each coefficient.
calculate the MSE of coefficient
- if the MSE of low level features are lower, hypothesis is true.
hypothesis 2: the more data used, the higher accuracy of a coefficient will be achieved.
How to set up:
using different data scale to train a network
calculate the MSE of each coefficient
draw the MSE-coefficient curve for different data scale.
draw the MSE of an coefficient v.s. different data scale.
- whether a critical behavior appears
- See whether the MSE of a coefficient is incrasing by data scale
hypothesis 4: With the incrase of network parameters, there will be a critical behavior.
- How to set up:
fixed data scale
draw the MSE-coefficient curve for different parameter scale.
draw the MSE of an coefficient v.s. different parameter scale.
- whether a critical behavior appears
- See whether the MSE of a coefficient is incrasing by parameter scale
hypothesis 3: If only degree one appears, i.e. \(f(x)=a_1x_1+a_2x_2\), the coefficient with large scale will be learnt first.
How to set up:
using fixed data scale and parameters.
Set \(a_1\) as larger value.
calculate the MSE of each coefficient
- If the MSE of \(a_1\) is larger, the hypothesis is proved