PhD candidate in Computer Science | University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign
M.S. in Computer Science | University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign
Advisor: Prof. Tarek Abdelzaher
Explainable Representation Learning | Large Language Models | Graph Learning
B.S. in Computer Science | Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Advisor: Prof. Xiaofeng Gao and Prof. Yong Yu
ACM Honors Class | Zhiyuan College | Computer Science
Research Scholar | ACE Center for Evolvable Computing
SRC Research Scholars Program
Graph Representation Learning | Temporal Graph Optimization
Research Assistant | Advanced Network Lab | Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Advisor: Prof. Xiaofeng Gao
Data Mining | Social Network | Natural Language Processing
Research Intern | Cornell University
Advisor: Prof. Thorsten Joachims
Counterfactual Machine Learning | Ad Placement
Research Intern | Purdue University
Advisor: Prof. Yexiang Xue
Machine Learning | Computer Vision | Computational Sustainability
Applied Scientist Intern | Amazon
Large Language Model Adapters | Knowledge Graph | RAG | QA | Alexa
Research Intern | Google
Multi-Modal Search | Gemini | Query Understanding
Applied Research Intern | Twitter (Cortex)
Natural Language Processing | Knowledge Graph Representations | Large Language Model
Machine Learning Algorithm Engineer (Full Time Employee) | Pony.ai
Autonomous Driving | Perception | Classification | Trajectory Prediction
Research Intern | YITU Technology
Face Recognition | Super Resolution | Re-Identification